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Teaching your Dog the 'Down' command in 5 simple steps

Step 1 - In a playful voice get your dogs attention using the command 'Come. Once you have their attention praise them with good boy / girl. Step 2 - Show your dog the treat, allow them to sniff it but not eat it. Step 3 - Raise the treat above your dogs head (asif your gently pushing them backwards) You will begin to notice the dogs head lift up and their bum goes down. **Remember when you are performing the 'sit' make sure you continue to use the Sit command*

Step 4 - Now your dog is in the 'Sit' position slowly bring the treat down to the ground. When performing This, make sure you are using the 'down' command.

Step 5 - Repeat the same command until the 'Down' position is complete and make a big fuss and reward with the treat. 

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